Training Classes
We run Puppy Courses and Beginners' Courses, Intermediate, Advanced and Fun Agility Classes.
The Club is run by a Management Committee elected by the membership and all, including the trainers, are volunteers.
The Committee consists of 4 office bearers and 8-12 members who are elected on an annual basis at our Annual General Meeting. The Club has several trainers who are entrusted to support MDTC members develop their dog training skills and knowledge through the use of force-free dog training methods.
Trainers are supported by the Club in keeping abreast of developments in training theory and practice.
About Us
MDTC was established in 1986 and is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to responsible dog ownership. We subscribe to force-free training methods and values now widely accepted as the most humane and the most effective way of teaching dogs to be our happy, confident, and well-behaved companions.
We provide affordable training courses and classes on evenings and weekends at venues throughout Midlothian.
Contact Us
If you would like to attend a class or course, we ask you to become a member of the Club to ensure that you are covered by our insurance and to contribute to our expenses on the hire of premises, equipment, training etc. This is an annual cost of: £10.00. Most classes are £4.00 per session but specialist classes can be charged at a different rate.
If you would like to join us or would like some more information, please fill in the Contact Form at the bottom of the page.